palestinian statehood

Norwegian FM to 'Post': We recognized Palestinian state after Israel disavowed it

The dramatic announcement of Palestinian statehood recognition made Wednesday morning by the Prime Ministers of the three countries from their respective capitals outraged Israel.

 Envoys of Ireland, Spain and Norway watch the October 7 horror film released on Wednesday

Foreign Ministry reprimands Irish, Spanish, Norwegian envoys over Palestinian statehood

The ambassadors were also shown the video depicting the moment five of the remaining 132 hostages were taken captive on October 7.

Hamas should not be rewarded for terrorism with a Palestinian state

Recognizing Palestine in the aftermath of the October 7 massacre is not a step toward peace; it is a step away from it. It signals to terrorists that their actions can yield political rewards.

Recognition of Palestine is ‘whitewashing Europe’s crimes,’ local pro-Palestine groups say

For anti-Israel organizations in Spain, Norway and Ireland, recognizing a Palestinian state is ‘hardly enough.’


White House insists negotiations best path to Palestinian statehood

The Biden administration has made no secret of its hope to broker a long-shot, multi-part arrangement leading Saudi Arabia and Israel to normalize relations.

Blinken admits: Israel may not be willing or able to move on a Saudi deal

The conversation about normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia is complicated as it would have to involve the pathway to a Palestinian state.


Ireland to recognize Palestinian state by end of May, foreign minister says

The efforts come as a mounting death toll in Gaza from Israel's offensive to rout Hamas prompts calls globally for a ceasefire and lasting solution for peace in the region.


The Western support for Palestinians: Does it pass the 'Lady Justice test'?

Lady Justice, a blind-folded woman holding the biblically mandated balanced scales, symbolizes that justice must be meted out without fear or favor, regardless of the identity of the opposing sides.

Only in our absurd world, terror is rewarded with statehood

Only in the world of the absurd can the majority of the international community deliberately ignore the openly genocidal intentions of Iran, Hamas, and other Palestinian terror organizations.

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